Back from Bust with a Platter of BBQ

After one of the most exhausting weekends I've had in my whole life, we are back from the Bust Craftacular in NYC. The rain put a damper on things and the show wasn't quite as packed as I had hoped, but we got to go to possibly the best restaurant on the planet. I had been looking forward to it for months. If you live within a 1000 mile radius of New York, get in a car right now and drive to Fette Sau, order the pork belly and allow the food coma to sink in. Amazing. I would move my apartment into the restaurant if I could.

The pork was definitely the highlight of the trip, but I also loved seeing the prints from YeeHaw Industries which I have had my eye on for a while. Their musician prints are my favorite, and I love the way they use text in images. Text is something I always shy away from in linoleum prints because it can come out looking like a five-year-old wrote it, but they pull it off so well and it really goes with the folk-y look of the faces. 

I was excited to see them there because of the new book that I was just flipping through, the Little Book of Letterpress. The book has a page on each of the big names in letterpress, and the YeeHaw team wrote the introduction. It's a really nice book, and now I just need to write to Chronicle Books and ask to be the author of the Little Book of Block Printing. So Chronicle Books, if you're reading this, I'll do it!


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